Building hope...
creating expectancy for good...
looking forward to a positive outcome...
showing love...
influencing others to Jesus...
being the hands and feet of Jesus

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Building Hope - A Happy Hands Blog

This blog site has been created for staff, parents, and supporters of Happy Hands. The goal is to "build hope"! That's what we are all about. For many years Al Proo, Executive Director and Founder, and I have been praying that anyone who enters the doors of Happy Hands will know "hope". We pray for hope for the children who come to us with severe language delays and hearing loss. We pray for hope for the parents who may have temporarily lost hope when given the their child's diagnosis. We pray for hope for the volunteers and donors that they will experience hope in the faces of the children they meet and the love they receive. And we pray for hope for all the staff that they will come to trust Jesus more and more each day as they see and experience the "hope" of Christ being built in the children and families we serve.

This blog site is for encouragement, edification, sharing, prayer. You are invited to share how God is working in your life; share the miracles you are experiencing; share the cute, fun, awesome, and "answered prayer" kinds of things these precious children are doing; and share hope!

Our building campaign has been titled "Building Hope" but we want this theme to continue way beyond the construction of the building. The new building is just a beginning. Our prayer is that many, many new children and families will experience hope through the mission and services of Happy Hands.

1 comment:

  1. Madison said "I LOVE YOU" Monday night! What an excitment that caused in our house. She has said it many times in sign, but this was her first time to voice these beautiful words; words I have longed to hear from her for so long, words I wondered if she would ever be able to speak. Praise God for his blessings and Happy Hands!
